Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sniff Butts Forever - Part I

OKCupid was proving to be a tough crowd.  I had sent countless messages to countless broads and a reply was not in sight. Until Fatcat. Fatcat broke all our profile rules, but since she had reached out to me, I figured she at least had to have a sense of humor and since Y’A was busy with the Goosey situation, I figured I could do my part to support The OKCupid Chronicles.  Fatcat was a nice person. No two ways about it. We messaged for about 6 weeks before setting a date, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

My interaction with Fatcat was like messaging a lady from the Victorian era.  There was the overwhelming feeling that someone was in the room chaperoning us as we courted. Her messages were UPBEAT and full of POSITIVE energy and lots of !!!!!!!!!  Anyone can tell you I’m a pretty dark motherfucker.  For 6 weeks we wished each other a WONDERFUL MONDAY, a HAPPY THURSDAY, a TERRIFIC WEEKEND. The most substantive conversation we had was about hair. Yea, hair.  From day one, she told me she was going to get a haircut. Nothing planned for the weekend, just gonna get a haircut. This alleged haircut went on for weeks. As in, every weekend she was sure to tell me she had no plans, except to get a haircut.  Allow me to pull out my soapbox and expound. Lesbianism, when not directly affected by the ‘genderfluidgenderfuckgenderqueer crowd’ is a messy and confusing situation mired in the question ‘who the fuck initiates the date?’ There are those who practice strict gender roles, merely imitating heteronormative society. Then there’s the rest of us. Just regular women, completely unsure of who is supposed to initiate date contact.  What I didn’t understand about this new world of internet dating is that emailing could quite possibly go on FOREVER if someone didn’t make a move. So I invited Fatcat on a date, hair and all.

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